We played at midnight, Portishead was playing at the same time in main stage. I'd like to see them once but I never had chance and I didn't this time. I thought everybody going to see Portishead but there were so many people while we played, there were field of people's head. Gracias Spain!
家なのか、小屋なのか分からん建物。House or warehouse? I don't know what it is.
イギリスの救急車は999、日本は119、ノルウェーは113. ポップでカワイイ。
Ambulance in UK is 999, Japan is 119, Norway is 113. It's cute ambulance car.
We met the band called "Yuck"on the airplane from UK. There is Japanese female bass player Mariko in the band. Nice to meet Japanese female musician, there are not many.
We are on stage. There are many people came to see us.
Norwegian people are nice, smily, brilliant sense of humor, look after other people really well, I like them. I could see audience smiling while the show, I had fun Slottsfjell! Thank you!
Scream vodka in Norway.
Today I forgot my camera in the van when I got off at festival. The van drove off to pick up other artist.
I was waiting and when it came back, there is this photo on my camera.
Oi! Who is this!? I don't even know him and I don't think they know who's camera it is.
This is high quality sense of humor for me! Brilliant. I don't like his bottom but I like their sense of humor. I'm amused.
Then Prince! To be honest with you, I'm not fan of Prince. I have non of his records. Sorry for Prince fan but I like Purple rain.... totally fake fan.
but ..... but he's amazing performer, I couldn't believe that he's 53 this year. He's been releasing records since 1978, then he's still give us full power performance now. His dance and singing were just amazing. It's so hard to keep going for long time as musician, but he does it and he has it all. All the real talent and it doesn't going down after 33 years. Just amazing.
Today we are in Eden Project, we are supporting Flaming Lips! I've been waiting for it long time.
エデンプロジェクトとは、おっきな植物園で、世界一大きなグリーンハウスがある。そこでライブができるという最高の場所。 Eden Project has great gardens and world's largest greenhouse. It's amazing venue to play gig.
Inside of the greenhouse, it's hot!
ステージから見える景色。サイコー!the view from the stage. It's amazing!
Today, I felt like I was entertained by Flaming Lips as audience, I almost forgot that I played our gig after Flaming Lips show. I enjoyed Flaming Lips so much. They are amazing!
I was walking around the site, there was a rocking dance tent. I went there to check it out, and I ended up dancing like a mentalist. (Hands up) amazing quality entertainment.
そして、今日のトリはなんと、ビヨンセ!ビヨンセを見ようと思って移動してたら、うちらがやったステージでKool & The Gangがやっていた。ちょっと見ようと思ったら、またもやアホみたいに踊ってる自分がいた。すごーくカッコ良かった!素晴らしかった。結局ビヨンセには辿り着けず。
Today's headliner was Beyonce! I was gonna go to see her but on the way, Kool &The Gang was playing on West Holts stage where we played. I stuck there and dance so much! They were amazing, so entertaining! I couldn't reach Beyonce. Kool & The gang were just soooo good!!
I'm getting to know that Glastonbury is one of the best festival in the world. It's so big and high quality entertainment. I'm so lucky to play there. I recommend you to experience it!