22 Apr 2011

LA - ロサンゼルス

今日はLAで忙しい1日でした。We had busy day in LA.
朝、LAのFoxスタジオFuel TVという番組の撮影で2曲演奏してきました。
We played 2 songs in Fuel TV, Fox Studio in the morning.

Our US tour manager Aaron & our sound man Tommy at the daily habit.

The Go! Teamも番組で討論。(なワケない)
The Go! Team talking about politics in The daily habit. 

裁判官カオリ、アメリカの”離婚調停Divorce court”という番組のセットで。
Judge Kaori (Lynn Toler) in Divorce court

Sam and Ian are listening to the proceeding in the court room.

"気分は服を脱ぐくらいにノリノリで!あっ、でも実際服は脱がないでねー。イエーイ!"というノリで、The Go! Team一同は一気に盛り下がりました。超アメリカっぽかった。
There were around 30 people in the studio for pretend audience when we play. There was a warm up guy in the room, he was cheesiest man I ever seen. "Hey guys, you'll be on the TV, so you can dance and jump whatever you want. Take off the shirt! Oh! but don't actually take it off, mentally take off your shirt! Oh Yeah! Are you ready!?" He warm up fake crowd, but he made the band very cold. Very Hoolywood.

We rocked pretend crowd despite cheesy man made us cold.

Fox studio! Star wars... スターウォーズ!


We saw Hollywood letters on Hollywood hill from the car, it's tiny. 

お腹減った。We were hungry.

We're playing at Echoplex today. There is very good wall art in front of the venue.

サウンドチェック中。Sound check. 
Chi made The Go! Team logo on the bass drum. Very nice.

We had very good show tonight in LA. We had fun! Thank you very much LA! You guys rocked hard!

アーロン率いるつまようじギャング。Tooth pick gang, Aaron is boss of the gang. Do you wanna join?

アーロンの背中にセットリスト発見。Where is our set list?


1 comment:

  1. I love this version of The Power Is On, the lyric was like the record version! I hope come to Mexico really soon.
    Love you Kaori.
